When I was all of seven years’ old, I was treated to the following homily via the famous Carl Foreman-scripted western High Noon: In the fifth century BC the citizens of Athens, having suffered grievously under a tyrant, managed to depose and banish him. However, when he returned some years later with an army of…
Tag: immigration
C. Stewart Verdery, Jr. Is TERMINALLY Naïve!
Yeah, C. Stewart, Jr. is quite a dude. He served as assistant secretary for Homeland Security back in the George, Jr. years and before that general counsel to the Senate Republican Whip. He is the CEO of “Monument Advocacy”, a “cutting edge” (I guess) DC shop handling “government relations, public affairs, strategic and crisis communications,…
Shorter Jamie Dimon: You’re calling me a “whore”? I prefer the term “businessman”.
Sorry, Jamie, but even by “businessman” standards—if they still exist—you’re a whore, and a pretty goddamn big one too. Here’s Jamie talking to CNBC about the state of the world, after meeting with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Ukrainian spelling as per Wikipedia): But, you know, my heart goes out to the guy. I mean, people…
Yo, Democrats! Solve this border crisis!
Yeah, Democrats! You know I’m talking to you! It’s about time you donkeys got off your lazy asses and solved this border crisis! Yeah, I know Republicans controlled both houses of Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court for two years and did bupkis! And I know that when you did negotiate with Republicans…
Can trade wars today lead to shooting wars tomorrow? With Donald Trump in charge, we may not have to wait!
It’s true: Donald Trump is getting awfully bored. The whole Mueller thing, which looked like it was going to be so much fun, has gone flatter than that liter bottle of malt liquor you opened last night and forgot to finish. Where’s the sparkle? Where’s the punch? I got up this morning planning to start…
Shorter Ann Coulter: Wah, wah, wah
UPDATE: Humiliated by Ann’s rap, detailed below, Donald Trump is now saying he will fight for like forever to build the wall that Ann so desires, and, yeah, I know Donald Trump always keeps his promises. But somehow I don’t think Ann will ever feel quite the same way about Donnie, aka Cap’n Disaster, ever…
The Koch Bros, not without virtue, and, yeah, not without sin
The Koch Bros, the Dave and Charlie Show, are definitely in the news these days, pissing on and pissing off Cap’n Two Scoops by hitting him hard on two of his very worst “raise the drawbridge” policies—protectionism and hostility to immigration. Koch, Inc, the menagerie of political funding and pressure groups the brothers have concocted…
It Is Happening Here
What’s the big deal? Trump said he was going to torture women and children, didn’t he? Isn’t keeping his campaign promises a president’s job? There’s more than a whiff of fascism here—the glorification of brutality. Ruthless? Hell, yeah, we are! That’s what keeps us safe! It’s “amusing”—amusing in the sense that it makes you want…
The Snake at the Table
A month ago, thoughtful conservative Ross Douthat wrote a column, “The Necessity of Stephen Miller”, in which he argued that if liberals want a deal on immigration, they’re going to have to allow White House dude Stephen Miller a place at the table. Yes, Ross acknowledges, El Stevo has views on immigration that are at…
Paging Dr. Yeats! Paging Dr. Yeats!
Some time ago, I got so tired of reading about things “slouching towards Bethlehem”, or at least slouching somewheres, that I took upon myself to announce that no one, with the exception of Huckleberry Finn, would be allowed to use that verb, at once so affectedly literary and so uncouth that the poor word was…